MathewV's Sports Media & Games
MathewV's Sports Media & Games's Channel
MathewV's Sports Media & Games has no videos available.
MathewV's Sports Media & Games
MathewV's Sports Media & Games
Channel rules:
1. Only watch my videos if you are interested in motocross, game shows, college sports, or video games.
2. Comments on my videos should only pertain to the video. Any off-topic comments will likely be answered, but do not do it frequently, get through to others by commenting on my videos, and do not just say "good job" or "nice work" in your comments.
3. Please do not test my nerves in ANY way.
4. I have a zero-tolerance policy for chain conversations. I'll be lenient on my Supercross/Motocross race posts, but please keep comments relevant to Supercross/Motocross.
5. NO trolls allowed!
6. Please DO NOT comment on one part in my videos; if it is near the end, you will be fine.
Channel Comments
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userid get finish at: 0.00 clean innertube fetch finish at: 1.50 main response parse finish at: 1.90 getAdditionalSections finish at: 2.70 applyHTML finish at: 2.70