JerryCricket Gaming and Chess
I got into Chess in October of 2023 and started actively learning that November. I played my first chess tournament in August of 2024. Besides chess, I just play random games to relax. Settlers of Catan and all its expansions and Hearts are games I'm okay at. If you've interacted with me online, you'll probably see Jerry The Cricket, Cricket Singer, Jerry Cricket, Cricket of Crickets, or JerryCricket. You'll see a lot of random games in the backlog of this channel, but as of now, I'm just uploading videos on chess and occasional rants about other games I play or have played.
Funny story: I got my glasses because I played too much Doom one summer in Chicago as a little kid. Boy have game graphics evolved!
I had a childhood family friend who was a chess champion. After reconnecting with him many years later, I realized that I wanted to learn. You can add me on any chess site as jerrycricket if you want to play me, but I honestly enjoy the physical board and in-person chess way more.
Funny story: I got my glasses because I played too much Doom one summer in Chicago as a little kid. Boy have game graphics evolved!
I had a childhood family friend who was a chess champion. After reconnecting with him many years later, I realized that I wanted to learn. You can add me on any chess site as jerrycricket if you want to play me, but I honestly enjoy the physical board and in-person chess way more.
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