Lil Drewzki
Lil Drewzki 's Channel
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Lil Drewzki
To be honest If you found this you might be mentally troubled. ANYWAYS

Welcome to “Lil Drewzki’s“ Official Channel!!

Yo it’s Drew , I love editing & creating audio & visual art. I've been producing, since 2012, and currently engineer music & edit music videos, and anything else that comes along with it for over 10 Years. I've decided to make reactivate this account by request so I decided why not give it a shot.

Here you will find all the latest content, music videos, skits & more from nDrewzskii!! Consistently will post once every 2 weeks if not more! You can contact me via Instagram, Facebook & Twitter!! Also for any business inquired for Shoots / Edits keep in private direct message through Email as well.
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