LinkandPeach4ever's Channel
LinkandPeach4ever has no videos available.
I may look sweet and innocent but I'm a fucking force to be reckoned with.

『 Thanks to the people who added me as a friend, subscribed to me, or just passed by on this page ♥ 』

here are the
                              b a s i c s
My name is Melanie, I'm 15 years old and I was born on January 18th. I'm like most teenage girls, I can get a little emotional sometimes, so yeah. Music is my LIFE. I couldn't go a day without it, but I know most people are the same. I also love video games, and support the pairing LinkxPeach. I play the electric guitar and I'm in a band. I'm a fun, energetic random girl and I hope you all like me for that. Just so you know, I don't give out friend codes to anyone, since I don't have wifi on my Wii, and even if I did, I still wouldn't sorry. I have a deviantART account where I upload randomshizz, maybe you could check it out? Link to it is above. Anyways, I think that's all, I'll add moar later.

Thanks for looking at my channel~
Maybe you could sub aswell? :3

Lots of love,
Melanie xoxox
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