RW-TV: RetroWinnipeg
RW-TV: RetroWinnipeg's Channel
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RW-TV: RetroWinnipeg
RW-TV: RetroWinnipeg
Welcome to the destination for classic TV commercials and other segments from the geographical centre of Canada. Stay tuned, as new commercials and other content will be added all the time.

Disclaimer: All images, audio and video clips, names, titles, etc, are, unless otherwise noted, copyright their respective copyright holders (i.e. television stations, production companies, networks, creators) and no copyright infringement is made nor is RetroWinnipeg claiming the rights to any of these files/titles/names/et cetera. All images, audio and video clips, names, titles, etc are used in a manner such that they fall under the "Fair Use" section of the United States Copyright Law.
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