Bossk's Bounty
Bossk's Bounty's Channel
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Bossk's Bounty
Welcome. As you will see I am huge fan of the Star Wars The Vintage Collection line of action figures by Hasbro. I review all of the products as and when they are released but also review older action figures from previous lines. 3.75" Star Wars figures is my passion, and has been since I was a child growing up in the 1980s. Most of the content you will find will be about TVC and 3.75, including reviews, commentary, reveals and my Q&A series every Sunday.

Be sure to check out the channel membership.
This channel is for Star Wars collectors and thus is not aimed at children, however I do avoid using bad language.
So if you are Star Wars collector be sure to subscribe to my channel.

Visit my Blog at https://www.bossksbounty.comand come and say hello on Twitter and Facebook.

#StarWars #StarWarsTheVintageCollection #BackTVC #thevintagecollection

Affiliate Disclosure:
Occasionally I may post links to companies that earn a commission. These will be marked with 'Affiliate'

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