Lady Dynamite Creates
Lady Dynamite Creates's Channel
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Lady Dynamite Creates
Lady Dynamite Creates
Welcome to my channel!

Lady Dynamite Creates is where old dolls are given new life. I hope to provide some insight of my creative process and some tricks that maybe you have not learned. Please feel free to comment or ask questions.

I have always been a creative person and was a user interface artist for video games until I became a stay at home mom. I became enamored with customizing dolls when I discovered Dollightful and decided to try it for myself. I was hooked. I came to the art form with a background in metal-smithing, sewing, cosplay, 3-D modeling and photography and I try to incorporate my knowledge from my other artistic endeavors into my doll art. With the encouragement of my husband, I started selling my dolls and sharing my art with others.

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