Void Nation
Void Nation's Channel
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Void Nation
Hello people of the electrical interwebs and welcome to Void Nation! We are a group of three who have a passion for games and making high quality videos. We pride ourselves over our quality, not quantity, so we may not release videos as often as some, but be assured they will be of the highest standard when they are released.

The team consists of:
JACK R - the coding guru
JACK H - the architect extraordinaire
GEORGE H - Jack H's evil twin (guess who wrote this...)
Plus a special new guy, coming soon...

Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!
Finally, subscribe to us here, we promise it's lots of fun!

For custom plugins visit: www.hypermc.net

If you have any questions not concerning plugins, please go and tweet them to us or send us a message on our Facebook page!
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