RPG Tour Guide
RPG Tour Guide's Channel
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RPG Tour Guide
Hello and Welcome Everyone! This is your tour guide, Ryan Phoenix, bringing you the official RPG Tour Guide YouTube channel! As you might have guessed, my channel primarily focuses on Role Playing Games (RPGs). I grew up a fan of console RPGs like Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana and others. And now I'd like to share my passion with all of you!

Let's Play videos (Let's Tours), indie game demo playthroughs (Demo Detours), game reviews (RPG Travel Zine), game pickups/collection videos, mail videos (Mail Truck), tips/tricks videos (Speedy Tours) and more!

Current Tours:
-Lunar SSSC (PS1)
-Zelda:OoT/MM Randomized (N64)
Completed Tours:
-Castlevania 2 (NES)
-Yoshi's Island (SNES)
-Vandal Hearts (PS1)
-Soul Blazer (SNES)
-Grandia (PS1)
-Maniac Mansion (NES)
-Mega Man (NES)
-Illusion of Gaia (SNES)
-Parasite Eve (PS1)
-Final Fantasy IV (SNES)
-Zelda:OoT Randomized (N64)

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