revatron's Channel
revatron has no videos available.
Want to submit your own content for approval? Here is the 9 step tutorial:

Step-by-step instructions:
1. Create a free account with
2. Sign in to Dropbox
3. Click on the Public folder
4. Upload your video to the Public folder
5. Once finished uploading, right click on the video and select "Copy Public Link"
6. Copy the link in the popup window
7. Email the link to
8. Also remember to include, Title, Description, and tags of the video
9. Include a link to your YouTube channel (or else you can't get credit for the video)

**Please note that any video content you submit to Revatron that you are granting Revatron full rights to use and alter the content in any way deemed necessary. If you do not agree to this, DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR VIDEO**

Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Am I allowed to submit a video for approval?
A: Absolutely! As long as your video has something to do with toys, then it can be submitted to the approval process.

Q: How come my video wasn't posted on revatron?
A: We get a lot of videos here, and not every one of them can be posted. If you feel that something you created should be posted here, feel free to email it again. However, there is never a guarantee that any video will be posted.

Q: What are some tips for getting my video review through the approval process?
A: The team here has a list of criteria that every video has to meet in order to be approved to move on to be posting. While I can't go into all of the details, I can give you several tips.

1. Make sure the background of your video is "clean".
2. Be sure there is not an excessive amount of cursing in the video.
3. The camera should be mounted or at least stabilized while filming. No free hand camera work.
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