jessie adams
jessie adams's Channel
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jessie adams
hello im legends dead. i enjoy playing runescape feel free to watch and enjoy my videos. right now im working on maxing out on all skills on runescape i want to get a max cape. i work hard and dont cheat. feel free to sub to my channel if you wish =)

--------rs goals----------
200 million exp in fishing
Max cape *completed*
Completionist cape *maybe*
*lots* exp counter *completed*
purple party hat

----the stats----
character level 138
or level (200)
In Order
99/99 Firemaking
99/99 Defence
99/99 Attack
99/99 Fishing
99/99 Smithing
99/99 Minning
99/99 Hitpoints
99/99 Farming
99/99 Construction
99/99 Strength
99/99 Crafting
99/99 Cooking
99/99 Fletching
99/99 Herblore
99/99 Woodcutting
99/99 Range
102/120 Dungeoneering
99/99 Magic
99/99 Thieving
99/99 Prayer
99/99 Agility
99/99 Runecrafting
99/99 Slayer
99/99 Summon
99/99 Hunter

-remember hard work pays off-
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