PHANTOM Flight 101
PHANTOM Flight 101
Herman Green
535 Flatbush Avenue Studio 101
Brooklyn, N.Y. 11225
A platform where you can find Aerial Photography, Videography, Reviews, Live Streams, and Tech Talk. See New York City and all the places I Travel to. And get a brief history of the location. See some great places to visit in and around, New York, New Jersey, and Philadelphia. See the United States and places overseas. As I travel to places you may want to go either by yourself or with the family. Let's talk about drones, cameras, flying fpv, and everything going on in the drone community.
Herman Green
535 Flatbush Avenue Studio 101
Brooklyn, N.Y. 11225
A platform where you can find Aerial Photography, Videography, Reviews, Live Streams, and Tech Talk. See New York City and all the places I Travel to. And get a brief history of the location. See some great places to visit in and around, New York, New Jersey, and Philadelphia. See the United States and places overseas. As I travel to places you may want to go either by yourself or with the family. Let's talk about drones, cameras, flying fpv, and everything going on in the drone community.
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