Alec LaBoy
I just found out that the name Alec means "Defender of the People".
Nuff said...
Also the vile assholes at youtube wont let me post links anymore but copy and paste this in youtube search. "3.3.3 Atheism: A History of God (Part 1)" The Tanakh, the Bible, and the Koran are all based on the same fiction. You can reject whats in this video but the same methods used to uncover this are used in all archeology so that would mean you have an asymmetrical standard of evidence.
Nuff said...
Also the vile assholes at youtube wont let me post links anymore but copy and paste this in youtube search. "3.3.3 Atheism: A History of God (Part 1)" The Tanakh, the Bible, and the Koran are all based on the same fiction. You can reject whats in this video but the same methods used to uncover this are used in all archeology so that would mean you have an asymmetrical standard of evidence.
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