Harry Rundle
Student, amateur graphic designer that loves to make beautiful (in my opinion) interfaces. I spend a bit too much money on general tech, but especially Apple products.
User Interface is my speciality, I picked it up a year or so ago and have been addicted to it ever since. My dream is to start up my own clothing line (This is in progress) if you'd like to support me drop me a follow on Twitter below. I will soon be starting up a nerdy designer blog where you will be able to follow techniques and gain experience with iOS design.
I make videos and take photos, and sometimes people pay me for them. The videos need MUSIC! I'm looking for licence free music in my videos, of course you will get credit. If you're interested in getting exposure (through my descriptions) please message my channel or drop me a tweet; @HRundle
User Interface is my speciality, I picked it up a year or so ago and have been addicted to it ever since. My dream is to start up my own clothing line (This is in progress) if you'd like to support me drop me a follow on Twitter below. I will soon be starting up a nerdy designer blog where you will be able to follow techniques and gain experience with iOS design.
I make videos and take photos, and sometimes people pay me for them. The videos need MUSIC! I'm looking for licence free music in my videos, of course you will get credit. If you're interested in getting exposure (through my descriptions) please message my channel or drop me a tweet; @HRundle
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