Back After
“One of the gladdest moments of human life, me thinks, is the departure upon a distant journey into unknown lands. Shaking off with one mighty effort the fetters of habit, the leaden weight of routine, the cloak of many cares and the slavery of home, man feels once more happy.” – Sir Richard Burton
How to be inspired and find inspiration? Life can easily become so hectic and stressful. How easy it is to forget about taking a little bit of time out just for us to “reset”. Down time in this day and age seems to be getting less and less. With no down time, its very easy to become jaded and finding yourself trapped in a day to day cycle of work, eat, sleep, rinse, repeat.
We found ourselves having fallen into this trap and so made a decision to turn that right around! By setting up this blog, we hoped to inspire ourselves to keep getting out there. Finding a good work/life balance is so crucial.
The family behind “Be Back After” consists of four members, Troy, Jo, Dean and Cassie. Re
How to be inspired and find inspiration? Life can easily become so hectic and stressful. How easy it is to forget about taking a little bit of time out just for us to “reset”. Down time in this day and age seems to be getting less and less. With no down time, its very easy to become jaded and finding yourself trapped in a day to day cycle of work, eat, sleep, rinse, repeat.
We found ourselves having fallen into this trap and so made a decision to turn that right around! By setting up this blog, we hoped to inspire ourselves to keep getting out there. Finding a good work/life balance is so crucial.
The family behind “Be Back After” consists of four members, Troy, Jo, Dean and Cassie. Re
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