Ključ 13
Ključ 13's Channel
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Ključ 13
For all lovers of tools and sharing knowledge to be better at what we do. Small Channel Wrench 13 (Key 13)

Channel intended for all lovers of tools and do-it-yourself projects. We will be happy to share our modest knowledge and experience with the viewers. Our mistakes are our greatest treasure, because "Who works makes mistakes.".
All of you viewers who want to share your experiences with us, we will be very happy to talk and advise.
Feel free to contact us via social networks or email.
The team of Ključ 13

Mi nismo najbolji, mi smo Majstori
Kanal namijenjen svim ljubiteljima alata i uradi sam projekata. Svoje skromno znanje i iskustvo vrlo rado ćemo podjeli s gledateljima. Naše greške su naše najveće blago, jer tko radi taj i griješi.
Svi vi gledatelji koji želite podjeliti Vaša iskustva s nama, vrlo rado ćemo ogovoriti i savjetovati.
Slobodno nas kontaktirate putem socijalnih mreža ili emajlom.
Ekipa Ključa 13
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