Welcome to my channel !
I hope you will like what you see.
If you do feel free to subscribe, comment, rate, anything will do !
But first of all THANKS to all my subscribers you know I won't be there without you ! You make me keep going on !
I read every single one comment people left me but I'ven't got so much time to reply these days but each one of them makes my day I just wanted to tell you that ! I love you all !
And since many people asked:
- I use Sony Vegas v.9 Platinium to edit my videos
- I don't take request but feel free to propose your ideas !
- what is vidding for me ? 2 words : Sharing emotions.
News : I decided to use as much time as I can to travel around the world.
I'm not forgetting about vidding, I have plenty of ideas and will be back very soon !
Don't forget to subscribe to my BACKUP Channel ! We don't know what could happen those days.
I hope you will like what you see.
If you do feel free to subscribe, comment, rate, anything will do !
But first of all THANKS to all my subscribers you know I won't be there without you ! You make me keep going on !
I read every single one comment people left me but I'ven't got so much time to reply these days but each one of them makes my day I just wanted to tell you that ! I love you all !
And since many people asked:
- I use Sony Vegas v.9 Platinium to edit my videos
- I don't take request but feel free to propose your ideas !
- what is vidding for me ? 2 words : Sharing emotions.
News : I decided to use as much time as I can to travel around the world.
I'm not forgetting about vidding, I have plenty of ideas and will be back very soon !
Don't forget to subscribe to my BACKUP Channel ! We don't know what could happen those days.