TheM Ranters
TheM Ranters's Channel
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TheM Ranters
Hello and welcome! You have reached the channel of Marth and Mike: Otherwise known on the YWC (YouTube Wrestling Community) as "TheMRanters"! Here you will find videos about wrestling (mainly WWE) consisting rants, reviews, predictions and even occasional Top 5s! You will also see some NON-wrestling rants too! :)

Marth's Top Five WWE Favourite Superstars:

1. The Rock

2. Stone Cold Steve Austin

3. Chris Jericho

4. The Undertaker

5. Edge

Favourite Divas:

1. Lita

2. Chyna

3. Trish Stratus

4. Beth Phoenix

5. Kharma

Mike's Top Five Favourite WWE Superstars:

1. Rob Van Dam

2. Brock Lesnar

3. Kurt Angle

4. Kane

5. JBL

Favourite Divas:

1. Lita

2. Trish Stratus

3. Natalya

4. Michelle McCool

5. Mickie James
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