Home to almost anything TV and Movies related, including, but not limited to,
- Commercial Breaks, Promos, Bumpers, etc.
- Logo Combos (usually International Variants or Uncommon logos)
- Home Media Openings/Closings (Blu-Ray/DVD/Laserdisc/VHS/etc.)
- TV Rips (usually things I find interesting that I want to preserve)
**DISCLAIMER** I do not take requests when it comes to Commercial Breaks. I upload whatever I find or whatever gets sent to me. If I don't upload it, then that means I do not have it.
Check out my Internet Archive account ( for extra content and stuff that can't be posted on YouTube.
- Commercial Breaks, Promos, Bumpers, etc.
- Logo Combos (usually International Variants or Uncommon logos)
- Home Media Openings/Closings (Blu-Ray/DVD/Laserdisc/VHS/etc.)
- TV Rips (usually things I find interesting that I want to preserve)
**DISCLAIMER** I do not take requests when it comes to Commercial Breaks. I upload whatever I find or whatever gets sent to me. If I don't upload it, then that means I do not have it.
Check out my Internet Archive account ( for extra content and stuff that can't be posted on YouTube.
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