Delaput's Channel
Delaput has no videos available.
A guy who creates videos, plays Call of Duty and is always trying to help out the Call of Duty Community.

Former 'OmGodmusic'. Same guy, different name.

The name has changed into 'Delaput'. The past months I've been playing under this name and it literally means my last name (in multiple languages combined)

We will make videos regarding music & games. That's how I started this channel and that's how it will stay. Although, it's going to hit different.

I do NOT take credit for the music we use in our videos, all credit goes to their respectful owners/creators

If any producer or label has an issue with one of our videos, please message and it will be taken down immediately.

*N.B* By submitting songs to this channel, you agree that you grant us perpetual non-exclusive world-wide license (not ownership) to display, promote, or modify your song for commercial use.
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