MastaKilla63's Channel
MastaKilla63 has no videos available.

I am a Tekken player that aspires to restore my channel to what it was like around 13/14 years ago, as that was when it was at its apex in terms of popularity. I do believe this is possible, mind you. It's just that this will take quite some work before this dream becomes a reality.

I main Steve Fox, although I do use other characters as well, such as Feng, Lee, Jin and Claudio. In terms of online Tekken, I have played a few ranked and quick matches with Steve, although I am not sure what rank to go for just yet, as I will need to look through the list again.

In regards to Tekken content on YouTube, there will definitely be more posted in the future and I do plan to stream more Tekken 8 in the future, although my personal circumstances somewhat prevent me from on a very regular basis (I work in Japan as an ESL teacher five days a week). That said, I will ldefinitely make an effort to ensure these circumstances change!

I look forward to the new future here!


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