Billy Zed
Billy Zed's Channel
Billy Zed has no videos available.
Billy Zed
I really want to make this channel something more than just walkthroughs. I want to have a great time while creating a community for video games. I plan to introduce some new segments once we get up and running. Look forward to getting to know everyone!

I do want to mention that I am going to be giving away free games/wallet stuff at major milestones and they are listed below -

100 Subscribers - $10 Steam/PSN/XBL card
500 Subscribers - $25 Steam/PSN/XBL card
1000 Subscribers - Any game of your choice within $60

I will make a giveaway video that has you all do some funny stuff to win the stuff I am giving away!

One last parting comment - Stay Classy!
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