The Sadistic Animals
The Sadistic Animals's Channel
The Sadistic Animals has no videos available.
The Sadistic Animals
The Sadistic Animals
A group of friends, some know each other in real life, others know each other over steam or they met in game, but a group of friends that want to chill and play games. Right now Ant is the only recorder but once the others get into the idea of recording we will all be individually uploading the things we want to, to this channel.

Upload Schedule:
-The minimum will be a Video per day. The uploads will be from all animal members (so each day will be one upload from a single animal member, the uploads will be focused around series that animal members will be doing)

-During Holidays the upload schedule may become a video per hour as a majority of the animals share the same holidays meaning they can produce as much content as they want.

-During Examination times and testing days, the longest upload time will consist of a video every 2-3 days.

Live Streaming:
Once we have fully developed our channel Live streaming will be done by most of the animals that have a long series.
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