Tim Caton
Tim Caton's Channel
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Tim Caton
Welcome to my Channel

My name is Tim, about 8-9 years ago I started this channel hoping that I would be some kid in high school blowing on this gig and making a run of money but soon later I stop doing what I loved which is uploading just whatever I did either making call of duty videos or just drawing some graffiti or even some graphics and design stuff. I loved doing all of that but that many years later I grew up and I’m married with a daughter and a son living a some what great life.

I’m not currently working I’m a stay at home dad which can be stressful sometimes so I come here for stress relief and happiness just watching videos of people that I love watching for an example, Peter McKinnon that man is such a huge inspiration I can’t thank him enough he’s awesome!

Can’t wait to start uploading again look out!


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