J.T Studio Productions
J.T Studio Productions's Channel
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J.T Studio Productions
J.T Studio Productions
this is where i have my current channel, it used to be a 2nd channel, which is now my main channel, i'm gonna continue my YouTube career & gain more subscribers over, but I'm still glad with the subscribers I have, along side what I have for now, and thanks for all of the support and effort over the last few years. Make sure to subscribe, Hit the nonfiction button and make sure to see more videos soon if you guys wanted to see more content, here's a list about a few things about myself Recently as a good, and friendly user.

Age: 19
Birthday: September 6
Gender: Male.
Country: USA (United States of America)
Favorite subjects:
Playing Fortnite with some of my friends.
Playing Star Wars video games
Making videos, adaptations, remakes, and memes.
like to hang out with some friends and BFF both online and real life.
and I Like to respect and handle other people’s opinions.

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