BabyZelda ASMR Gamer Girl
BabyZelda ASMR Gamer Girl's Channel
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BabyZelda ASMR Gamer Girl
BabyZelda ASMR Gamer Girl
I'm Zelda *bows*~ indie game dev, gamer girl, anime nerd, introverted lover of all things nerdy & cosplay fantasy girl! :3 I post ASMR, cosplays, video game Let's Plays and other random videos here.

I spend most of my free time animating pixel art for my dream indie game that I will release sometime in the nearish future!

I love all things nerdy ~ Dungeons & Dragons, Star Trek, anime, science, math, logic & so on!

A few of my favorite games are~ Metroid, Legend of Zelda, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Witcher 3, Diablo 2, Baldur's Gate, Ultima Online, Braid, The Witness, Monster Hunter, Psychonauts, LoL, Hotline Miami, Hearthstone, Don't Starve, & Portal!

Please send business inquiries or Steam game donations for Let's Plays to my e-mail (see below). Thank you!! o.o

My Twitter ~
My YouTube Patreon Page ~

Credit~ Thank you so much Andrew Wuorinen for creating my channel banner!

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