Kasper Bjørke
Kasper Bjørke's Channel
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Kasper Bjørke
Kasper Bjørke is undoubtedly one of the most renowned and versatile Danish producers on the international electronic music scene.
His 4th solo album After Forever was released on September 22nd 2014. The singles include Rush (feat. Tobias Buch), Sylvia (feat. CTM) and "TNR" (feat. Jaakko Eino Kalevi).
Since 1999 Kasper has released on respected labels like Eskimo, Compost Black Label, Plant Music, etc. and his latest two applauded albums Standing on top of Utopia (2010) and Fool (2012) was put on the circuit via German hfn music.
Kaspers musical background comes from the discohouse duo Filur. Filur released four studio albums and a Best Of compilation ("In Retrospect" from 2009) that spawned a long line of international radio and chart hit singles from 1999-2012 and received two Danish Music Awards (Danish Grammy) for Best Producer and Best Dance Release.
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