chessdude67's Channel
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"Music is very spiritual, it has the power to bring people together." Edgar Winter

Hi Everyone! Welcome to my channel. I was a drummer for 30 years, but I had to give up my love of drumming because of a very bad case of Tinnitus. Tinnitus, hit me hard about nine years ago. I woke up one morning with this horrible noise in my left ear. This led me to selling all my drum kits and withdrawing from the world. I didn't even want to turn on the car radio worried that it would make things worse. I saw many doctors and was tested at OSUMC. I was told I had "severe" Tinnitus and much hearing loss in both ears. So, I had to also see a psychiatrist who gave me medicine so that I could sleep and deal with Tinnitus on a daily basis for the rest of my life. You don't want this my friends! Yes, it could be far worse...cancer, MS many things, but this is life changing to a musician. Hand drums are not for me. Still trying to fill the void in my heart.
Doing much better now. Peace to all!

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