Fast Freight Productions
Fast Freight Productions's Channel
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Fast Freight Productions
Fast Freight Productions
Welcome to Fast Freight Productions, aka T-128 Productions. Where I post videos which includes any train - related content for anyone for all ages to see!

There’s no need to spam in the comments unless if you actually have something to say, as long as it doesn’t offend anyone that’s fine. Also, since English is my primary language, I would humbly request for everyone to speak English, or to learn how to use a translator before commenting. I don’t always take requests, but only a few for some of the videos I make. If anyone dares to steal any of my videos, copy my channel, or even making threats of any kind, they would have no choice but to suffer the consequences.

If anyone loses their patience because of my lack of uploads, just don’t. There’s nothing to worry about. As long as you stay subscribed, you won’t miss out on anything here.

© 2015-2025 Fast Freight Productions; All Rights Reserved; No Copyright Infringement Intended

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