Bible stories put into cartoon format, then analyzed by an atheist
I'm Alley and I primarily work on a series called "An Atheist Reads the Bible" that takes particular stories from the Bible, puts it into a silly animated format, but then asks some serious questions.
This is not a channel that simply bashes religion. I grew up in The South in the United States and encountered fierce devotion to the Christian religion for most of my life.
Most people who begin to doubt the fundamental claims of a religion usually do so upon encountering cosmology or biology or another natural science. I began to see religion as man-made once I started to really read the Bible.
I welcome comments from every and anyone on my channel, my videos or in a private message.
I'm Alley and I primarily work on a series called "An Atheist Reads the Bible" that takes particular stories from the Bible, puts it into a silly animated format, but then asks some serious questions.
This is not a channel that simply bashes religion. I grew up in The South in the United States and encountered fierce devotion to the Christian religion for most of my life.
Most people who begin to doubt the fundamental claims of a religion usually do so upon encountering cosmology or biology or another natural science. I began to see religion as man-made once I started to really read the Bible.
I welcome comments from every and anyone on my channel, my videos or in a private message.
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