YuA Violin
YuA Violin's Channel
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YuA Violin
Hi my name is Anni! I'm a professional violinist who has a Bachelor's and Master's degree in violin performance.

GOAL FOR 2025: ♡ 100k subs on YT
♡ 1M followers on TikTok
♡ 100k followers on Instagram


Q: What do you do for work?
A few different things! I teach violin/viola/piano/music theory, I'm an orchestra musician, I perform at restaurants, weddings, proposals, corporate events, etc., and social media is my work too!

Q: Can I take lessons from you?
A: Yes, I offer online lessons! Email me (yuaviolin@gmail.com) for rates and info.

Q: How long have you been playing violin?
A: Around 18 years!

Q: Where can I find sheet music?
You can find some here: https://www.mymusicsheet.com/YuAViolin

Q: Where are you from?
Vacouver, Canada

Important dates °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° :

First upload: 2/03/19
100 subscribers: 3/02/19
500 subscribers: 4/06/19
1000 subscribers: 5/01/19
5000: 10/06/19
10K: 10/12/19
20K: 6/26/20

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