Percy And The Beast Productions
Percy And The Beast Productions's Channel
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Percy And The Beast Productions
Percy And The Beast Productions
Welcome to Percy And The Beast Productions!

This channel was created in 2021 by two Canadians Mightynick & Bravegeefire.
Mightynick is known for his spectacular edits such as Sodor Dark Realm, TATMOC, Firebox & so much more. These guys work very hard to bring you enjoyable content. They appreciate everyone that watches their videos, likes & subscribes.

If you would like to support this channel please check out the links below. And if you would like to learn more about the lore behind Sodor Dark Realm, check out the PATBP Wiki.

Here's a special THANK YOU to all team members, loyal subscribers and Patrons for all your continued support, which makes all their content possible!

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