Dancework's Channel
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DANCEWORK is a publishing and management company founded in 1993 and released later than MUSICOLA founded in 1989.
Musicola had some success labels such as Beat Club who realeased hits by ASHA " jj tribute " , Rozalla Every body free, , Bit Max dig it , JT Company don't deal whet us, African Business In Zaire, Chimo Bayo a si me gusta a mi, High Power ecc. Musicola also managed the FPI Project and launched them in 1989 with their major hit “rich in paradise / going back to my roots”.
Dancework is mainly active in managing artists and their catalogue with the purpose to doing licenses and synchronisations wherever possible in the world.
Dancework is leader in Dance Music as always and now also involved in pop and soul music.
Some of the world hits released by Dancework areSultana “te amo”, “everybody gonfi-gon” by Two Cowboys, Nikita “eterna, divina”, M.Pilato & M. Monti “gam gam” “clap clap”, “All I need is love” by Indiana, “sunshine after the rain” by New Atlantic, “africa” by Dyna
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