Linandko Retrogaming
Linandko Retrogaming's Channel
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Linandko Retrogaming
Linandko Retrogaming
Hello! We are Lindsey and Kohei :) We are a couple that goes to University together here in southern Japan. We share the same hobby of gaming, so we like to post videos of our daily lives (vblogs), let's plays, game play videos, translated commercials/Nintendo directs etc. On this particular channel, we are going to post game play footage from older games (hence the channel name, "Linandkoretrogaming"). We want to focus on games that are pre-Gamecube era, as we feel anything from PS2 onward is too modern to go in the "retro" category. Feel free to subscribe if you like classic games as well :) If you like modern games, or vblogs that talk about life in Japan, head to our main channel: Linandko. Any translated copyright material will be on our channel Linandkotranslation, so head there if you are interested in that :)

Thank you for checking out our channel page, and we hope you like the videos!

Our avatar/art we end the movies with was done by Cody S. so a big thank you to him :)
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