theytOrbit's Channel
theytOrbit has no videos available.
Full Details of the Orbit & list of Orbiters Here:

This channel (theYTorbit) is a hub for both Orbiters and Orbitians, the two groups needed to make the YouTube Orbit a success!

Think you have what it takes to make a video a day? Join us as well! Not quite able to make that

many videos? Thats fine too. You can still join as an orbitian!

Rules For Orbiters:
1) Must post a video a day for a year
2) Must title & tag videos with YTO and/or YouTube Orbit to make them stick out from other daily videos.
3) Must keep track of which day on the Orbit you are. Everyone starts on a different day, but you need to make sure you put up a video for all 365 days!

Rules For Orbitians:
1) Must subscribe to at least one Orbiter (why not all of them!)
2) Must leave comments on videos at least sometimes
3) Must share with your friends. Lets get everyone involved!
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