TSC (The Squirt Chronicles) : An Average Blastoise, Who saves the world from destruction, is on a job again, and this time, it gets complicated. Squirt and his Friends Latias and Latios, gang up with their other friends they meet off with, like Grovyle, who is apprently saving the world but lies and doesnt lie. In The End, Squirt and his friends Fight up to save the world from destruction, and saving the future! With a Loss of a Friend, They still save the world!
Colby's Journey!
This Story bring you a shy and young Buizel that writes in his journal that his Floatzel mom gave him when he was born. He finds this Shinx named Swiss walking across the beach hes usually at. She greets herself and show Colby, The Buizel, her friends..with Exciting and Sad days to come.. Until Buize is captured by The Overlord, An insane Pokémon caught with Blue Blood.. Colby and his friends set out for a Journey that will change their times together in a whole new way.. All in all to rescue Buize!
Colby's Journey!
This Story bring you a shy and young Buizel that writes in his journal that his Floatzel mom gave him when he was born. He finds this Shinx named Swiss walking across the beach hes usually at. She greets herself and show Colby, The Buizel, her friends..with Exciting and Sad days to come.. Until Buize is captured by The Overlord, An insane Pokémon caught with Blue Blood.. Colby and his friends set out for a Journey that will change their times together in a whole new way.. All in all to rescue Buize!
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