Way Too HyperNova
Way Too HyperNova's Channel
Way Too HyperNova has no videos available.
Way Too HyperNova
Hi starlings! I'm so happy you decided to look at my About page! If you like my profile pic, it was made by Verose, another great gachatuber~
If you like my intro and outro, those were made by my great friend Foxes4eva! ✨

I'm Nova, the channel creator, and on my channel I try to make original gacha videos. (Because copycats succ)
I love experimenting with new ideas, which honestly, I'm overflowing with them. (legit plz halp)
I don't post very many "serious" videos because I have the attention span of a freshly cooked baby carrot, but I try to give you guys my best content :)
My dream is to change the gacha community into a more original and interesting place. (yes, I will roast my own community, deal with it) (my other dream is to reach 1k subs)🌟
*Don't swear or comment links. (These will be hidden automatically)
*Don't be a hater or a bully. (You might get roasted and/or blocked)
*You can self promo, but if that's all you're here for, leave.
Thanks for reading!
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