Berry Violet Couture
Berry Violet Couture's Channel
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Berry Violet Couture
Berry Violet Couture
Hello. My name is Berry Violet Couture. Berry is my first name, Violet is my middle name and Couture is my last name. But I prefer to be called just "Berry Violet" as my main significant stage name preference.

Birthday: January 21

Occupation: Artist, author, text roleplayer, singer and storyboard animatic artist.

Major in arts and animation

Skills: Adobe Flash Animation, Adobe Photoshop, Animation Rotoscope, Cleaning, Digital Drawing, Dish Washing, Hand Drawing, Illustration, Microsoft Word, Photography, Singing, Dancing, Voice Acting and Story Writing

If you had questions and talk to me, please chat with me in one of the social media like Instagram and Facebook Messenger with social media links in my channel page.

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