Kasper Eriksson
Kasper Eriksson's Channel
Kasper Eriksson has no videos available.
Kasper Eriksson
Ex-Call of duty player.

After having been part of the Call of Duty Youtube scene for over a year - i decided it was time to leave and to make time for other things. So don't expect any CoD related videos by me any time soon :)

However - this is still my channel where i most likely will end up uploading random shit in the future - so expect that :D

I've been a part of the following teams below:
- DynamoGaming (DG KaaZa)

- AccelTheSpecialists
(Accel Zpie)

- RaiseTheTempo (Tempo Zoap)

- TeamPsyQo (PsyQo Zoap)

- SynergyPS3 (Synergy Zoap)
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