Vester&Friends's Channel
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New PLUSH & GAMING Videos Daily! Vester&Friends or VAF for short! Plush vids now in 1080p!

*DISCLAIMER* My channel is NOT directed to kids:
- Some language may not be suitable for some children (hell, damn, and censored profanity)
- Some episodes may contain Smash Bros. style violence
- Some teenage level humour - mild sexual references (nothing over the line though)
- Some episodes may contain horror/jumpscares

Regular video schedule: (Australian Time)
Monday: VAF Plush Gaming
Tuesday: Shiruetto The Gamer
Wednesday: Plush video
Thursday: VAF Plush Gaming or CM Rages at Games
Friday: Shiruetto The Gamer
Saturday: Own choice
Sunday: Shiruetto The Gamer (Long gameplays)
*Most videos uploaded morning AEST*

Plush video schedule:
Main Plush Series: 1 - 3 episodes a month
Total Drama Plush: 1 - 2 episodes a month
Super Smash Bros. Plush: Roughly each month (12 videos a year)
Plush Chat Mayhem: Once every 3 months
Ask VAF: Every 2 - 3 months
VAF Plush Shorts: Whenever I feel like it
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