contact me on insta @tannner94
or discord Bane#1597
###below is just being saved for my own archive memory :) ###
Dont play any more but still have my ps3 xbox and pc if u wanna hit me up and play or if u wanna talk or message me or anything pm me or add my skype :p l8rs
My heart is black, black like a crow.
Wack, like a psychotic foe.
Reacts, like a well aimed bow.
My heart is black, black like my soul.
Fav clans of all time. (no order)
CRaZY - I wouldn't be here without em
dESpAiR - First clan i ever lead
iNCiSe - Second clan i lead
AoM - one of the coolest clans ever
ResistantX - first real cod4 clan
eVo - eVo "Legend"
xFuZe - Get carried :p
eXiLe - how many of u can say dat :p
xSnMx - i ♥'d this clan, i fk'd up
Theory - Nothing to be said, But Theory CATS.
or discord Bane#1597
###below is just being saved for my own archive memory :) ###
Dont play any more but still have my ps3 xbox and pc if u wanna hit me up and play or if u wanna talk or message me or anything pm me or add my skype :p l8rs
My heart is black, black like a crow.
Wack, like a psychotic foe.
Reacts, like a well aimed bow.
My heart is black, black like my soul.
Fav clans of all time. (no order)
CRaZY - I wouldn't be here without em
dESpAiR - First clan i ever lead
iNCiSe - Second clan i lead
AoM - one of the coolest clans ever
ResistantX - first real cod4 clan
eVo - eVo "Legend"
xFuZe - Get carried :p
eXiLe - how many of u can say dat :p
xSnMx - i ♥'d this clan, i fk'd up
Theory - Nothing to be said, But Theory CATS.
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