Nick Nimmin
Nick Nimmin's Channel
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Nick Nimmin
Nick Nimmin helps you grow on YouTube by sharing YouTube tips and tools to help you get more views, subscribers and make money on YouTube. On this channel you'll also see videos about YouTube updates that impact YouTube creators.

I've been doing this since 2014 and my goal is to help YOU thrive as a YouTube creator. Even though I am considered an expert, I don't claim to know everything about YouTube. Because of this, I frequently recommend other creators that specialize in other creator focused topics that can help you as well as official YouTube resources.

We also make free resources for creators. You can get free music at and I made an iOS app to help you with your comments called Creator Keyboard. You can get that at

If you're a new creator, YouTube can be challenging and there is a lot to learn. But don't worry, I'm here to help. You got this! Welcome to the Nimminati!

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