Soulkrist's Channel
Soulkrist has no videos available.
Just a teacher making video game Let's Plays =]
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Completed LP's:
1. Chrono Cross
2. Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete
3. Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
4. Final Fantasy XII: International Zodiac Job System
5. Dark Cloud
6. Legend of Legaia, Blind
7. Skyrim Special Edition Roleplay (Main Quest)
8. Pokemon SoulSilver
9. Koudelka
10. Radiata Stories (All Characters Recruited)(100%)
11. King of Dragons (Wizard)
12. Chrono Trigger
13. Pokemon Fire Red w/Lady Friend
14. Mega Man X: Command Mission
15. Earthlock
16. The Legend of Dragoon
17. World of Final Fantasy
18. Call of Cthulhu
19. Diablo 2: LOD (Assassin)
20. Breath of Fire III
21. Dark Souls REMASTER/Prepare To Die
22. Dragon Quest VIII
23. Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire Soul Link Randomized Nuzlocke w/Ladyfriend
24. Titan Quest Co-Op w/Echo
25. Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
26. Eternal Darkness
27. Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

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