Milepost 64 Productions
Milepost 64 Productions's Channel
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Milepost 64 Productions
Milepost 64 Productions
I've been rail fanning my whole life, and also involved with model railroading, Amateur radio, computers, and electronics. For those of you in the amateur community my call sign is KB9FMU and I maintain a UHF repeater near DeKalb, Illinois on 444.4500 Mhz. Recently I started capturing photos and video of the places I've been and things I've seen. (Wish I would have done more when I was younger) Anyway, I hope you enjoy my videos and if you have any suggestions of things I can do to better my video, please feel free to offer any advice!

I also provide an audio railroad feed on Radio Reference based in Northern Illinois, which is called "Northern Illinois Railroad Feed" []

Thanks again for watching.
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