ZombieTactics's Channel
ZombieTactics has no videos available.
I make no claims of being an "expert" or unquestionable "authority", I'm just a guy with a perspective.

This channel is about things that interest me: Guns, Gear, Electronic Music, Politics, Philosophy, Economics ... and not in any specific order.

The zombie theme is meant to be an intentionally humorous metaphor for civil unrest, natural disaster, SHTF, TEOTWAKI, WROL, simple self self-defense or any other scenario resulting in people acting "inhuman" towards each other.

CHANNEL POLICY: While I continue to respect everyone's right to disagree, I have established a policy of summarily removing blatantly stupid, off-topic or insulting comments with extreme prejudice. Repeat offenders will be blocked just as quickly and without notice or remorse. I allow and encourage disagreement and discussion, but my channel is not a conduit for adolescent or childish behavior. 'nuf said.
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