I am an audio-visual artist. In my work music and visuals are one.
What you see is what you hear and what you hear is what you see. Audience participation often plays an important role in my work as well.
I perform as DVJ or with my SenSorSuit and/or Augmented Stage. I started in the 1980’s and since then have innovated in the field of video sampling, audio-visual effects, visual music, real-time motion graphics, live video sampling, skrtZz-ing, WikiVideo and Interactive Tracks. (see
Because software to work with music and visuals at the same time doesn’t exist, I make it myself since 1995.
The aim of my technical development is to create the ultimate audio-visual instrument. To work with visuals and music in one, unified creative process. For this, I turn existing, professional music software into audio-visual software. This quest eventually led to the development of EboSuite: visual plug-ins for Ableton Live (see
What you see is what you hear and what you hear is what you see. Audience participation often plays an important role in my work as well.
I perform as DVJ or with my SenSorSuit and/or Augmented Stage. I started in the 1980’s and since then have innovated in the field of video sampling, audio-visual effects, visual music, real-time motion graphics, live video sampling, skrtZz-ing, WikiVideo and Interactive Tracks. (see
Because software to work with music and visuals at the same time doesn’t exist, I make it myself since 1995.
The aim of my technical development is to create the ultimate audio-visual instrument. To work with visuals and music in one, unified creative process. For this, I turn existing, professional music software into audio-visual software. This quest eventually led to the development of EboSuite: visual plug-ins for Ableton Live (see
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