Alden Ryouken | SNOWDROP LIVE
Alden Ryouken was born in the city of Ilburn. The city was isolated from the rest of the Empire, the people were constantly on edge, and there’s a rebellion brewing on against the Empire. But one day, a bloody conflict between The Rebels and the Empire broke.
Both sides suffered a great loss, The Rebels leader was killed during the conflict and, The Empire was torn apart as the emperor gor murdered. Most cities turn to ashes including Ilburn.
Alden who survived the conflict, lost all his family and his friends, it broke him down, it devastated him as he felt that he is the reason why everyone is gone.
He felt that his weakness is the reason why he failed to protect everything that he loved. He went on a journey and decided to train himself even harder so he will never lose anyone ever again. Until one day, he joined forces with The Sylvilia Guild and become one of the best guardian for the mansion and Princess Sylvilia
General: #AldenRyouken
Live: #Aldenlive
Art: #Aldenart
Both sides suffered a great loss, The Rebels leader was killed during the conflict and, The Empire was torn apart as the emperor gor murdered. Most cities turn to ashes including Ilburn.
Alden who survived the conflict, lost all his family and his friends, it broke him down, it devastated him as he felt that he is the reason why everyone is gone.
He felt that his weakness is the reason why he failed to protect everything that he loved. He went on a journey and decided to train himself even harder so he will never lose anyone ever again. Until one day, he joined forces with The Sylvilia Guild and become one of the best guardian for the mansion and Princess Sylvilia
General: #AldenRyouken
Live: #Aldenlive
Art: #Aldenart
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