MikeSonic's Channel
MikeSonic has no videos available.
Hi!!! if you´re reading this, its because you have reached the funniest channel, welcome 😎👌

My name is MikeSonic🤗

In this channel I will upload videos using the loquendo, and the most prominent of my channel will be the Gameplays having Sonic the Hedgehog saga as a priority saga that of Sonic the Hedgehog; However, not everything will be Sonic, since there will be more sagas and various video games which I also like to play and that I would like to share with YOU!!! 😀

Also, in addition to Gameplays, for a change and that not everything is the same, I will share Parodies, Theories, Dubbing with Loquendo, among other things.

And well. With nothing else to add.

Here he greets you and welcomes you MikeSonic 😇💙
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