Cults to Consciousness
Cults to Consciousness's Channel
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Cults to Consciousness
Cults to Consciousness
Stories of claiming independence after leaving high-control groups & people.

Hi! I’m Shelise Ann Sola— former devout Mormon. On C2C, my husband Jonathan and I dive deep into the nuance of cultic organizations and coercive manipulators. We are not anti-religious, but anti-abuse, and shed light in dark places to bring compassion, understanding and accountability.

From FLDS Polygamy, Mormonism, Amish, Scientology, Extreme Christian Fundamentalism, Radical Islam, and Self Help, to the cults featured in popular TV docu-series, we interview survivors, advocates, authors, and more. Together we discover how our guests find independence and healing through awareness and true individual sovereignty.

If you'd like to support the channel, consider becoming a patron!

Guest suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Feel free to reach out on IG @cultstoconsciousness

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