Ruby Cris アニメート
Ruby Cris アニメート's Channel
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Ruby Cris アニメート
Ruby Cris アニメート
Real name: Marie Cris(Cris for short)

Bday: August 26

Age: prefer not to say

Sex: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac: Virgo

Likes: Games, Instagram, Math, English, Science, Drawing, School

Unlikes: Art Block, Tracers doesn't credit, haters, Being late in class, Full storage

Hey, I'm Cris, My Original Character(OC) is a Monster and Human Hybrid, I understand math I'm taken so don't date me , I'm a FNAF fan especially Security Breach (sun and moon my beloved ) I have like 9 Fnaf Ocs I'm an Ibis Paint User too, I use my f*cking fingers to draw (ouch) I have an AU of Sun and Moon wich I called it Couple Attendants lol
I like Genderbending some characters
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